Livestream: IFSC Lead & Speed Worldcup in Chamonix 2010

Update (13.07.10 13:10): Bisheriger Stand: MEN lead, WOMEN lead, MEN speed, WOMEN speed
Update (12.07.10 21:45):

The postponed Men’s Speed Qualifiers will be live at 12:00 tomorrow Tuesday 13th July

Update (12.07.10 19:50):

Officials have postponed the Men’s Speed Qualifiers until tomorrow moning, updates will follow as soon as a time is given.

Den IFSC Lead&Speed-Worldcup in Chamonix heute und morgen (12.+13.07.2010) kann man bequem von zu Hause aus per Livestream verfolgen:

Livestream IFSC Lead&Speed-Worldcup in Chamonix 2010

Monday July 12th 2010
Men & women lead qualification
09h30 start qualification route 1 and 2 for men
10h00 start qualification route 1 and 2 for women (On other wall- not shown)
Men & women speed qualification (world record format)
19h00 speed qualification men
18h30 speed qualification women
Tuesday 13th July 2010
13h30 observation period men and women
14h00-16h00 men & women Lead semi-finals
Men & women speed world cup speed final round
18h30 – 20h00 speed final round
20h00 Speed world cup awarding ceremony
Men & women lead finals
20h15-22h30 men & women finals
22h45 Lead world cup awarding ceremony

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