Update (12.02.11 01:58): Nachschlag: Noch ein Interview mit Paul Robinson, diesmal auf französisch.
Eine kleine Interviewsammlung, die uns Amateuren einen Blick hinter die Kulissen ermöglicht – gut für die Motivation an so einem kalten, nassen Freitag…
„So about your label as a spiritual climber…“
„What I don’t like about the idea of being a “spiritual person,” is it’s like, OK, I’m a spiritual person, so I’m going to act all peaceful and try to be all saintly or something. But if you’re feeling pissed off in the moment, it’s much more true to be pissed off than try to act all peaceful.“
„Going to school for me was a great balance that I needed in my life. It made me appreciate climbing so much more as well.“
Alex Puccio Interview (via kletterfieber)
„The truly great thing about the Petzl rock trips is that they are about a gathering of climbers going climbing. The whole philosophy keeps true to the roots of why most of us started, and continue to love the sport.“
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