Interviews & Videos!

  • Ein interessantes Interview auf UKC mit Mina Leslie-Wujastyk

    UKC: How did you get to the level you are at now, climbing Font 8A? Were you just really strong when you started or have you trained hard?
    Mina Leslie-Wujastyk : I started climbing when I was eight and have always loved it. I think it helps to start young as your body gets used to the movement. I started to train and climb more about two years ago and it made a massive difference. I always had relatively strong fingers but lacked the body strength and power to make big or dynamic moves. I used to climb very statically and changing this opened a lot of doors for me.

  • Passend dazu ein Artikel von Jamie Emerson über Women in Climbing
  • Video über das Bouldern in Varazze (Italien) von
  • Jetzt auch in der englischen Fassung: Kairn interviewt die Huberbuam (30.03.10: Video wurde inzwischen leider gelöscht!):