Großes Interview mit Patxi Usobiaga!

Patxi Usobiaga, seines Zeichens Lead-Worldcup-Gewinner 2009 beim Wettkampf in China und schon lange unter den Top-10 im Schwierigkeitsklettern am Plastik (und auch am Fels bis 9a+ unterwegs!) hat ein sehr ausführliches Interview gegeben, in dem er vor allem zu seinem Training ausgefragt wird:

Patxi Usobiaga Interview

Wer sich mit Klettertraining beschäftigt – lesen!!!

Patxi Usobiaga (aus PROGRESSION)

Teaser (Hervorhebungen: kletterblog):

The big picture of my training is the typical one. They are progressive and directed to an specific goal or date. Three main cycles: first, build a basis (gym, etc.); second, quantity (lot of climbing gym, campus, board, etc.); third, quality (hard routes, bouldering, etc.). As simple as it looks, the complexity is within those cycles: what are the best exercises, the most easily transferred to climbing, the most appropriate for me, possible innovations? I really like training and enjoy every single training session, because I can feel, day after day, that I am improving, that I am a better climber.

I train 5 days a week, taking a couple of afternoons off. On weekends, I climb outdoors (which is kind of rest if you compare it with a typical training session). After so many years training, my body supercompensates faster than before and now I need to take fewer rest days.

I try to avoid the use of pharma as much as possible. I don’t take anything that will help me train, I don’t believe in those. Nowadays, I only take vitamin C to avoid catching colds easily. Nothing to recover or to develop, I don’t believe in that. Years ago I used electro stimulation, but not anymore, I don’t have time for that, even though it can help.

I am 1.74m tall with and ape index of 1,76. I weigh around 60-62 kg, depending on the season. I can pull up 28 times on two hands and barely once with one hand when I am in my best shape. It seems I beat Adam on this, they should start every comp with a one-arm pull up then (not two, just one ;). Still, strength is one of my weak points…

If you want to improve your climbing level through training, you have to enjoy training. Since you have to spend a lot of time enclosed in the gym, enjoying the process of getting in shape is essential. You cannot be thinking all the time of the project you want to accomplish and find the motivation to train there because then, at some point, it is very likely that you lose it and give up. If you don’t enjoy training, you better find another system like climbing outdoors.

Hier der am Dienstag erschienene Eintrag in seinem Videoblog – kann jemand Spanisch?



Die Kletternews der letzten Tage in der Zusammenfassung:

  • Jorg Verhoeven und David Lama machen in Arco eine Mehrseillängen-ErstbegehungBrento Centro (28SL bis 8b)
  • Mit seiner Patagonien-Aktion jedoch hat sich David Lama keine Freunde gemacht
  • Nettes Nachwuchs-Slacklinevideo (via

  • Kurzinterview mit Chris Sharma, Teaser zu FRFM:

    Does the fact that you are trying and sending other routes than FRFM after your return from your USA trip mean that you have given up with it?
    No, I haven’t given up on FRFM. But with the weather getting warmer I’m just doing different things. I’m still motivated to send the route. After this last season working on it and falling off the top so many times, I think it’s good to change focus to something else and then come back with fresh motivation. At this point I would really love other climbers to get on it. It’s such a good route and it needs to be climbed; if not by me then by someone else.

  • Interview mit James Webb und Brion Voges, Teaser (Hervorhebung: kletterblog):

    Do you ever go to the gym to train, or is it enough to climb outside?
    J: Well for me personally I enjoy climbing inside and outside. But before this trip I decided that maybe it was time to try and step it up and put myself on somewhat of a „training“ regiment. So Brion and I probably spent 4 to 5 days a week training at The Tennessee Bouldering Authority for around 3 months leading up to our departure.
    B: Weather in the Southeast is unpredictable and often poor for extended periods of time. As a result, I often find myself in the gym more than I would like. But training in the gym has been instrumental in advancing my climbing. In fact, without our local gym, Tennessee Bouldering Authority, this would be a much less interesting interview.

  • Jon Partridge, Mitglied des „British Bouldering Team“, in Hueco Tanks:

  • Der Japaner Toru Nakajima hat in England einige Trad-Routen abgehakt, inkl. Video seiner Solo-Begehung von „Storms Over Africa (E6 6b)“
  • Das Volltrauf Kletterfest auf der Schwäbischen Alb wird dieses Jahr am 02. und 03. Juli stattfinden! Mit dabei u.a. Alex Huber und Erbse!
  • Die Teva Mountain Games, in deren Rahmen auch der nächste IFSC Boulder-Worldcup stattfindet, haben heute in Vail angefangen (Freitag gehts los mit Bouldern) und gehen noch bis Sonntag, 06.06.10! Eine Übersicht gibts hier.
  • Enzo Oddo in „GoGo (8c)“ in Le Palais:

  • Und für alle, die immer auf dem neuesten Stand sein wollen: 48h


Don’t do what they do (Dave MacLeod)

In dem interessanten Artikel

Don’t do what they do

greift Dave MacLeod einen wichtigen Punkt aus seinem Buch auf!
Die Essenz:
In vielen Fällen gestalten wir (unbewußt) unser Training nach dem Vorbild unserer „Peers“ (also die, die so gut sind wie wir), was jedoch genau das Falsche ist falls wir erfolgreicher sein wollen!
Stattdessen brauchen wir weit bessere Vorbilder, deren Herangehensweise wir imitieren können (nicht ihre genauen Pläne da sie völlig andere Lebensumstände haben)!

Videovergleich Boulder-WC Greifensee+Wien (Udo Neumann)

Wer wie ich die Livestreams der Boulder-Worldcups in Greifensee und Wien verpasst hat bekommt von Udo Neumann den Videovergleich frei Haus!
Boulder-Worldcup Greifensee:

Zur Erinnerung die Ergebnisse aus Greifensee:

  1. Kilian Fischhuber
  2. Adam Ondra
  3. Christian Core


  1. Alex Johnson
  2. Akiyo Noguchi
  3. Chloé Graftiaux

Boulder-Worldcup Wien:

Zur Erinnerung die Ergebnisse aus Wien:

  1. Kilian Fischhuber
  2. Adam Ondra
  3. Alexey Rubtsov


  1. Akiyo Noguchi
  2. Momoka Oda
  3. Jain Kim